

In order to better serve our customers, we have provided a number of technical support pages detailed below. Click on one of the options above to connect with the type of support that you need.

In the “How To” pages you will find step-by-step instructions on how to set up most major applications that you will need. Included are Dial-Up Networking for Windows 95/98/NT, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Mail, and a number of other applications that you might encounter.

The “FAQ” pages highlight several common questions that you may have and details the appropriate solutions. Before calling us, check these pages when you have any questions. Many of the solutions to your problems are just a click away.

The “Online Support” page allows you to send your queries directly to our support staff. Simply fill out the form provided and one of our technical support representatives will contact you. The more detailed the information that you provide, the easier it will be to identify the specific area in which you need help.